Baked Spaghetti Squash Casserole

Baked Spaghetti Squash Casserole
Today I bring you a MOST delicious recipe that I found on SkinnyTaste… Gina has some really good things on her website if anyone who likes to cook healthy food has never checked her out! She includes Weight Watchers points on each recipe, and develops and shares weekly meal plans. THAT is a lot of...

Serbian Beef and Potato Casserole

Serbian Beef and Potato Casserole
Anyone for a recipe? I’ve lately been dealing with waking up to a terrible crick in my neck almost every day so I bring you this post from under an ice pack! It’s starting to really drive me crazy. Sammy tried to give me a kiss goodbye this morning and considering I’m almost a full...

Upside-Down Pizza

Upside-Down Pizza
It’s Thursday!! Anyone want a throwback? This recipe was another favorite of mine as a kid and just really fully incorporates two of the things that kids seem to love the MOST. First and foremost, pizza!! And secondly, stuff being upside-down. Just look at that mouthwatery golden crust! It’s actually just a can of croissant...